Interactive Games

Interactive Games

Below, you will find a variety of interactive games about the pioneers and their lives on the web.  Have fun!

  • Test your knowledge of the different types of jobs that pioneers had in their small towns.  The Pioneer Jobs Crossword is interactive.  
  • Want to understand what it was like to be a pioneer of Upper Canada in the 1800s a bit better?  Try playing the flash game Great Upper Canada Adventure where you have the choice to become a farmer, a prospector or a miller and live their lives for a short period of time.
  • Would you survive traveling across country to settle in the West?  You would have to use the Oregon Trail in order to get there.  Try to see if you would have made it by playing this cool game.
  • Would you like to know what sort of herbs and plants that doctors used to relieve common ailments?  Play the Herbal Remedies Matching Game to find out.
  • Farm animals had a specific use on the farm.  Play the Pioneer Farms Animals and Their Uses matching game to discover how important they were.
  • Learn how to make mittens or prepare bread the pioneer way by playing these games available on the Black Creek Pioneer village website.
  • Have a little fun trying to find your way to Montana to settle by playing Plains, Trains and Spare Wagon Wheels provided by Frontier House from PBS.